Friday, March 25, 2011

Every Little Bit Counts!

Is it difficult getting physical activity in at work? With your day consuming of e-mails, phone calls and meetings who has time to take a chunk out of their day for exercise? 

Well I want you to think outside the box. You don't have to have an hour of free time to get on your workout clothes and go to the gym to get exercise. Think about all the different things you can do to get activity into your day that you won't even need to go to the gym for!

Instead of looking for the closest parking spot by the office, look for the farthest one. That way you can sneak some walking in. Instead of taking the elevator, take the stairs (a 150 pound person can burn up to 10 calories a minute climbing stairs according to the Calorie Control Council (CCC). Get some dumbbells for your desk, and lift some weights when you're on the phone or watching webinars. Create a stand up desk so you can stand and move around instead of sitting in an office chair all day. 

Now those are only a couple of ideas, but my point is to have you open your eyes and realize that becoming more physically active doesn't mean getting a gym membership. There's plenty of free to low cost ways to get exercise throughout your day. Consider trying some of those suggestions, I bet your body will thank you!

Remember: Every little bit does really add up and make a difference! 

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Proof that Worksite Wellness Really Does Work!

Check out this article about how the county government in Pontiac, Michigan implemented some health promotion at their worksite. It dramatically decreased their health care costs!