Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Price Incentives for Healthier Food

The worksite is an important environment in which the majority of the adult population spends a significant portion of their day over a period of years. Intervention strategies that change worksite environmental factors related to food, such as the type of foods available and their prices, have been examined in previous nutrition interventions studies. In both school and worksite settings, pricing, alone or in combination with availability, had a strong, dose-response effect on sales of healthy snacks from the vending machines.  

Does your worksite offer snacks for employees? If so, have they ever thought about offering the healthier foods for a cheaper price than the unhealthier foods? Many times people say that an obstacle to eating healthy is the price. Healthier foods tend to be more expensive. One way to reduce that barrier is to lower the price of healthier options and increase the costs of unhealthier options. Check out how this worksite offers price incentives for their snacks. Notice that they also put the healthier foods at eye level, and the unhealthier foods at the bottom.

Source: JOEM Vol. 52, Number 1 Supplment, January 2010.

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